Meet Lillemor!

She is one of our Swedish Application Specialists, highly appreciated for always answering everyone’s questions with a smile! Lillemor has been sharing her knowledge and passion with our customers and colleagues for 25 years!

Lillemor has had a few different roles within Sectra throughout the years, such as RIS product owner, RIS development project leader and RIS product support responsible. She highlights this as one of many good things with working at Sectra, the opportunity to try different roles. She, however, loves being an Application Specialist so much, she even claims her work to be her hobby!

At Sectra we have Application Specialists working both in the Support department and, like in Lillemor’s case, in the deployment teams. For those in deployment, the main part is to educate our users in how to use our products the best way. Both before, after, and in-between upgrades. All Application Specialists can also be a bridge between the users and other parts of Sectra; our development department for instance. When asked what the most challenging thing with her work is, she replies that we now have so many fantastic products and features, that it’s impossible to be an expert on all, even if you want to.

At Sectra, everyone is encouraged to go on site visits to get to know our customers, and to see our products in their true environment. That means that most of us get to travel in our roles. Often, that also leads to fun memories. One that Lillemor came to think of was when she held a user training in Norway, many years ago:

“I was offered cold waffles with a typical Norwegian brown goat cheese on, during my visit. Little did they know that I have a Norwegian mother who had tried in vain to get me to like that cheese since I was a child. So, I simply couldn’t eat it!” she says with a smile but remembers that they all laughed when she told them why.

Thank you for sharing, Lillemor!

More about Lillemor

Family: Married and have two beautiful grown-up daughters and three adorable granddaughters.

Location: Örebro office, Sweden. She has lived in many places but the longest in Örebro.

Background: Started as a medical secretary and system administrator at the Radiology department at Uddevalla Hospital. There she also helped in the development of the first version of RIS, which was then acquired by Sectra!

Favorite tips or trick in our products: One of my favorite tips to users of the diary in RIS is to use the feature for quick rebooking: right click on a free timeslot and press rebook!

Published at: 28 March, 2023