If you find that your My Sectra credentials are no longer valid, this is the result of a password reset on your account and require you to choose a new password using the "Forgot you password?"-feature when signing in. All accounts that have logged into My Sectra after December 31st, 2023 have been affected by this reset. 

Sectra has proactively taken this action in response to the recent supply chain attack on the open-source JavaScript library Polyfill.io.

It is never recommended  to reuse passwords, neither previous passwords nor from other services.

Sectra has not identified any Polyfill.io dependencies in the code for the solutions or services Sectra supplies, apart from My Sectra customer portal (my.sectra.com). All dependencies to Polyfill.io have been removed from My Sectra to eliminate the vulnerability.

Read more here: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/polyfillio-javascript-supply-chain-attack-impacts-over-100k-sites/